5 Secrets to Have Him Fall in Love with you, even if you’re butt ugly

The actual process of falling in love is a magical yet complex process.

Perhaps the most beautiful thing about this process is that you can’t force it to happen.

That’s why it’s called falling in love, not making love happen or planning to love or scheduling to love.

However, there is a certain recipe that allows and facilitates the process of falling in love. Because at the end of the day, falling in love is a natural and normal process of being a human being. It is a part of our pair bonding nature.

That is WHY when we fall in love, we are naturally flooded with dopamine, Oxytocin and Vasopressin.

However, people don’t just fall in love for no reason. There are certain elements that need to be in place for it to occur.

For a man to fall in love, he needs to perceive certain things from the woman.

Are you a woman men could fall in love with?

There are types of women that men typically fall in love with, and there are types of women that men don’t fall in love with.

I don’t believe the whole notion that there’s someone out there for all of us. The world isn’t a fairy tale. It’s a tough place.

There are lots of people out there who are going to die utterly and completely alone. That’s just how it is, and it is getting worse in this day and age where we are overwhelmed with choice yet lack in real connection.

I want to walk you through the 5 secrets that you need to know in order to maximise the chance of your chosen man falling deeply in love with you.

Every one of these 5 secrets play an important part of the process. So pay attention and here we go.

how to make him fall in love with me

Make him fall in love secret 1

You must primarily focus on the emotional attraction and emotional connection between you and this man.

See, more and more I see people going into dating focused on what they can get out of it, what’s in it for them.

Look, I can completely understand why but we sometimes need to remind ourselves that a relationship isn’t just about you. It’s not about what you can get and it’s not about proving yourself to be worthy.

A real and functioning intimate relationship is about the attraction and connection between two people. That’s it.

Without that attraction, without that connection, it’s nothing. Nada, nil.

So if you started to focus on and prioritised the attraction and connection, they will grow. And falling in love will come naturally because it is a process of deepening that attraction and connection.

Make Him Fall In Love Secret 2

You can act sexy but you must lead with loyalty.

For a man to take you seriously and want to make you his one and only, he must feel your loyalty.

Here’s the thing, men don’t bear kids in their bodies, so they will never truly be 100% sure that any offspring is his completely. That’s why loyalty is so important for a man before he is willing to commit his own time, energy and resources.

Of course there are many levels of loyalty. I’m not asking you to be 100% loyal to losers. What I am saying is for you to be attuned enough to know how much loyalty is appropriate.

CLICK HERE to LEARN the One Specific Emotional Trigger Within Every Masculine Man That Inspires Him to Want to Take Care of You, Worship You and Deeply Commit to You.

Make Him Fall In Love Secret 3

You need to become more multidimensional by connecting with different parts of yourself, even the parts you resist.

And yes, I said connecting with different parts of yourself, not try to be someone else for the sake of proving your worthiness.

The more you try to BE someone, the harder it becomes to really connect deeply with others because the focus is on you. And as you know, without that depth of connection, men cannot fall in love even if you look like Kate Moss back in the 90s.

And look, as you connect with different parts of yourself, you will start to realise that there is value in every single part of yourself.

For example… There’s value in the introvert part of yourself but there’s also a lot of value in the extrovert part of yourself. There’s value in being a happy bubbly kind of person, but there’s also value in being serious, thoughtful and perhaps intense.

It’s always much better to have a balance rather than just thinking that you are only one type of person.

So I’m not going to cover the next 2 secrets because all 5 of these secrets are already covered in this, “Becoming His One & Only” program by Renee.

Dating has changed for women

Because here’s the thing…

We recently sent out an email to 40,000 women to ask them about the struggles of dating in this day and age. You know, with social media, Instagram, as well as all the dating apps that are around.

…And I couldn’t believe the response we received.

Renee and I spent about 5 hours collectively reading through these responses and we didn’t even make it half way through all the replies we had received.

As a man reading through these responses, I started to really feel the frustration, the anger and disappointment that carried through in these responses.

In amidst of reading these responses, I had suddenly felt this visceral, gut level fear.

I had suddenly felt this instinctive fear of what it would be like to be a single woman in this day and age of social media, dating apps and collective laziness in search of instant gratification.

high value women group

The fear of being single

By the way, this fear is not something that men in general can often relate to because…

Number 1, men don’t have the same reproductive timeline as women do, and number 2, because of this reproductive timeline, men don’t often feel a decline in their value and therefore the urgency that it produces.

I even texted Renee exactly at that moment… I said to her…

“Holy Sh*t, it is SO scary as a single woman especially when you’re in your late 20s and 30s! You instinctively know that your “value” is declining but at the same time, with all these dating apps nowadays, there are always younger women on the next screen with a single swipe.”

I knew that I had to do something to help.

For the last 11 years that we’ve been in business, I have always felt a sense of duty to look after everyone on our email list.

I feel like these women have trusted us with our knowledge, advice and direction, so it is our responsibility to do everything in our power to help.

So this is why I will be running this live workshop.

I want to address the common concerns that women have when it comes to dating, especially in the “swipe culture” that we all live in.

I want to help you overcome problems such as why are men so flaky, why are they always after sex and not interested in a relationship.

How to stop the “texting relationship” and actually make it real. How to inspire men to put in more effort rather than simply seek more instant gratification.

I mean we live in a terrible age now where you and I can see thousands of dating profiles at literally our fingertips. So how do you make a real connection in this digital swipe culture?

That’s what I’d like to talk about in my live workshop.

…And in case you’re a woman who is single and dating… I want to perhaps share with you how to go about it in the best way possible.

Do you know the dark art of “High Value Banter” that helps you quickly weed out the wrong types of men and create emotional attraction with the “BEST of MEN”? CLICK HERE to learn how in this free class.

For example…

How do you create high value dating profiles that automatically create a sense of mystery, curiosity and intrigue, so that you stop just attracting weirdos, losers and men who just want sex.

How do you take that online connection to become exciting real life dates?

What are some of the uncommon real-life places to go to meet and connect with high value men who are also looking for you.

How to break the ice and how to quickly and deeply connect with the heart and soul of a man so that initial spark will lead to many more exciting moments.

And perhaps the most important element, how do you overcome your own emotional blockages and patterns of sabotage that are literally repelling men.

So this workshop is going to be live and you are very welcome to join in. You can even ask your questions along the way.

(CLICK HERE to watch the replay of this workshop!)

There’s no cost to attend. As I mentioned, I felt like this is a way of giving back to all of our subscribers who have trusted in our advice, knowledge and coaching.

Alright that’s all from me. Talk soon.

D. Shen Commitment Triggers

P.S. If you liked this article, CLICK HERE to check out my full article archives! Or you may greatly benefit from one of our highly popular paid programs, CLICK HERE to see what we offer right now.

If you want to be supported by a warm community of high value feminine women, then join our Facebook Group. (It’s free and so incredibly valuable!) CLICK HERE TO join thousands of other women in our “High Value Feminine Women” Community.

By the way, while you’re at it, connect with me on social media.

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Sushma Kanchan
Sushma Kanchan

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I really appreciate you guys doing things like this- teaching us the good stuff in your free articles and not just saving all of it for the paid programs, and “giving back to the subscribers who have trusted in our knowledge, advice and coaching”. Cuz it feels really good to know that you and Renee value our loyalty to you as teachers as much as we value your knowledge and advice! Like who would’ve thought y’all value us as much as we value you lol. But yeah I think I speak for all of us when I say I’m always… Read more »


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